Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekend doings

This weekend I’ve been working on the office space out in our pole barn, that I’m making in to a little workshop and storage space for all my junk, I mean supplies and stock for my antique booth.  It’s been a long process but coming along.  It’s like the movie “Field of Dreams.”  I have ideas for that space but I’m not totally sure what it’s going to be, it’s more like “build it and they will come.”  Future antique shop, or just a place for me to make and store things?  Maybe a place to hold classes or gatherings for crafters?  I can think of lots of things but I am learning to have more guts about these things.  Part of my reason for working on the space out there is also so I can get a lot of clutter out of the house and my craft room.
I've spent some time crocheting this weekend also.  
What a beautiful fall day here in Indiana.  I’m going to head out for a long walk.  I’ve been listening to Anne of Green Gables on an audiobooks app, it’s delightful and making me want to talk with flowerly long words!  :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My header photos

Not sure if I ever explained this, but the photos at the top of my page pretty much sum up my life.  I am a bluebirder.  The Eastern Bluebird pictured at left is a passion of mine.  I head up the local bluebird society and for probably 15 years I have put out bluebird boxes, and taught other people about them and how to help them also.  Our yard has a long line of beautiful white pines, and something I love is to hear my bluebirds out in the pines singing their hearts out.  So I gave our little farm this name, and also use this name for my blog and my antique booth.

The beautiful lady holding the cake is my great-grandma Nellie. She was my mom's grandma on her dad's side.  This was a birthday of hers and I just love the picture.  She died one year before I was born, she had 8 children and was a farmers wife! For some reason I have always been inspired to be like her.  Another big inspiration is my grandma, Katie.  She died when I was almost 2 so I didn't get to know like my older siblings. But she is also a huge inspiration, she was a great seamstress, cook and crocheted many beautiful things. She was my mom's mom.

The other pictures are of our barn and our grandkids.  I have a blessed life and I am learning to "bloom where I am planted."  Sometimes I lament that our kids are gone and I really hate being apart from them, but I am trying to count my blessings and love my life!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Today my son Daniel turns 30 years old!  Amazing to think that I have been a mom for 30 years.  That day was a miracle and Dan is such a blessing, along with his wife Jamie and their 3 and 1/2 children.  :)

Somehow I need to get into a habit of checking into this page, and not just Facebook and Instagram.  I have lots to say and share about the happenings in my life!  Just returned last week from a trip to California and had a great time.  First at Huntington Beach, my husband's hometown where we went for a conference.  I got a lot of beach and pool time but also attended some events.  Then we went up the coast for our 34th anniversary and enjoyed Cambria, CA.  We stayed at the Pelican Inn and had a room looking out at the ocean.  Loved it so much.  They have a boardwalk along the beach.  We saw seals and elephant seals, drove around the wine country, just had a nice time.  Then we visited our son and DIL in Orange County for a few days, which was wonderful but always bittersweet.  We had our first try at Airbnb and stayed in a really cute little house in Fullerton.

Now back home, still battling the jet lag after a week. But also "heart lag" trying to get back into my life and find inspiration.  Why is it always hard after a trip?  I do too much thinking.  This week I am reminded to listen for God and also to be thankful every day for the tremendous blessings in my life.

I have so many projects either started or on the back burner.  So I need to get with it!  Lots of crochet projects and also cleaning up my craft room.  I have a room that I have worked on that is in our pole barn, it was an office that was crammed with stuff for over 10 years since we moved here.  Last summer I realized I could use it for my workshop and a place to store a lot of my "stuff" that I buy for my booth at the antique mall, and also things I buy hoping to make things.

When I first started this blog it was the intention to begin to stop dreaming about things and actually start DOING them.  Since then I have made my son's room my craft room, I have started renting a bookcase at an antique mall,  I have started fixing up that room in the pole barn.  Now I just need to learn more about managing my time and figuring out how I can do all the things I want to do.

I really need to find some time to figure out how to use this page correctly and also how to use my Mac more efficiently to be able to post pictures etc.

Meanwhile happy fall!   Getting ready for Indiana Bluebird Society meeting on Saturday, and a meeting for my group, the Boone County Bluebird Society in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

I have so much to update!  I'm still trying to figure out how to use Blogger and make a respectable looking blog.  Remember Xanga?  Yes, old school, but I had that figured out so well.  Now I have things to blog about again, and ideas, lots of ideas!  So I need to study and figure this baby out, because I don't really want to start over again on another site.  For instance, I want to put a nice header with this gorgeous bluebird, but this is just not right at all, way too big, and I haven't figured out yet how to do it.   **Edit:  I found a page about how to make a header with Picmonkey!**

So, on my very first post on Bluebird in the Pines, I talked about my frustrations of having dreams and never being able to make them come true.  Since then I have taken big steps!  I created a great craft room, which is a little cluttered up but has a lot of potential.  Last month I took a leap and rented a bookcase in the Zionsville (Indiana) Antique Mall, Booth #12, look for my pretty bluebird decorations.  I called my space "Bluebird in the Pines" of course!

In January I took another leap and joined the Zionsville Concert Band.  I needed to start playing my trumpet again!  We practice on Tuesday nights, and have had a couple of concerts.  A few more are coming up in July.  I know this is a talent and a gift I need to use.  Need to find time to practice though.
Here I am with my cornet and my trumpet.  Our home was broken into in January, and I praised God that they didn't steal my instruments.

I have a lot more pictures to add.  But I have things to figure out.  When our home was robbed, my laptop was stolen.  My kids all said, get a Mac!  Grumble grumble.  I know they are great and all, but I am still figuring it all out. Plus figuring out this Blogger. Also I need to work on a Facebook page for Bluebird in the Pines, then I would have an easy way to share pictures of my antique booth, my bluebirds, my farm etc etc.   I had my laptop photos etc backed up on Idrive, but I haven't gotten all of those put back up on Picasa Web Album, or wherever else I need to store some pictures to make it easier to share on here.

Yesterday morning I went out to find that 3 of my 4 chickens had been killed.  Oh I am sad. I've lost chickens before, but never 3 at once.  Things have gone so well for the last year, since we had a couple lost, that I guess I got a little careless and didn't notice a big gap in the pen that is on the back side of the barn.  Some little critter, we think a weasel, got in.  I have a barred rock that has been "broody" and that saved her life.  I want to get more, but we know we have a lot of work to do on the barn first.

Maybe I'll figure out my pictures and come back and add some to this blog.   

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Deep freeze start to 2015

Super cold here in Indiana this week!  Trying to stay in as much as possible.  Making treks to the barn to check on the chickens.  They are doing ok.

Need to get into a habit of blogging, sharing some pictures and progress of goals.  Upward and onward.

Honestly, a little depressed after Christmas.  We visited the kids in Denver and it's always hard coming home and leaving them all behind.  Then with the new year, and trying to make some plans and goals for life.

Found this scripture: Yes, my soul, find rest in God.  My hope comes from him.  Ps. 62:5

Sometime I'll come and give a report of 2014 happenings and share a few pics.  I did make progress with the craft room, it looks great but needs organizing!  And I need to get to making things instead of stock piling goodies and ideas!