So, on my very first post on Bluebird in the Pines, I talked about my frustrations of having dreams and never being able to make them come true. Since then I have taken big steps! I created a great craft room, which is a little cluttered up but has a lot of potential. Last month I took a leap and rented a bookcase in the Zionsville (Indiana) Antique Mall, Booth #12, look for my pretty bluebird decorations. I called my space "Bluebird in the Pines" of course!
In January I took another leap and joined the Zionsville Concert Band. I needed to start playing my trumpet again! We practice on Tuesday nights, and have had a couple of concerts. A few more are coming up in July. I know this is a talent and a gift I need to use. Need to find time to practice though.
Here I am with my cornet and my trumpet. Our home was broken into in January, and I praised God that they didn't steal my instruments.
I have a lot more pictures to add. But I have things to figure out. When our home was robbed, my laptop was stolen. My kids all said, get a Mac! Grumble grumble. I know they are great and all, but I am still figuring it all out. Plus figuring out this Blogger. Also I need to work on a Facebook page for Bluebird in the Pines, then I would have an easy way to share pictures of my antique booth, my bluebirds, my farm etc etc. I had my laptop photos etc backed up on Idrive, but I haven't gotten all of those put back up on Picasa Web Album, or wherever else I need to store some pictures to make it easier to share on here.
Yesterday morning I went out to find that 3 of my 4 chickens had been killed. Oh I am sad. I've lost chickens before, but never 3 at once. Things have gone so well for the last year, since we had a couple lost, that I guess I got a little careless and didn't notice a big gap in the pen that is on the back side of the barn. Some little critter, we think a weasel, got in. I have a barred rock that has been "broody" and that saved her life. I want to get more, but we know we have a lot of work to do on the barn first.
Maybe I'll figure out my pictures and come back and add some to this blog.